Sound Massage Intensive

Peter Hess® Sound Massage Levels I thru IV

Immerse yourself in seven full days of sound while completing Module’s I, II, III and IV of the Peter Hess® Sound Massage Training. Attending the Intensive is an opportunity for you to fully embody the training while taking some time to fully integrate the lessons as you are immersed each day in sound, meditation and the foundational structure and philosophy that makes the Peter Hess method a repeatable therapeutic modality.

Course Objective

Upon completing this level, participants receive a certificate of completion.

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Hours of Study: 7 full days

  • Lecturer: Gina Armstrong

Supervision Seminar will be announced at the Intensive which is approximately 4 to 6 months after completion of the full Intensive for authorization to practice as a Certified International Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner

Training Modules


Relaxed, Calm and comfortable atmosphere. Very nice approach to enhance learning with multiple modalities utilized throughout the Level I training. Relaxed, Calm and comfortable atmosphere. Thoroughly enjoyed the class & Gina’s welcoming presence and approach.
— Student